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Effective as of June 1,2009.



 Majadahonda Filipino Community By-Laws Page 1



M. F .C.





Section 1. This Organization known as MAJADAHONDA FILIPINO COMMUNITY (M.F.C.) shall be governed by the elected President and its elected officers Under its By-laws and other rules and regulations not included by these by-laws .



Stated Meeting


Section 1. The stated meeting of the Organization will be held at a consensual place announced at, on the second sunday of the month at 6:00 p.m. and of the fourth sunday of the month at 7:00 p.m. of each month. These may be reduced to one stated meeting during the winter months of November, December and January at the discretion of the Organization with the approval of the Advisory Counsil.


Section 1a. A stated meeting may be cancelled, at the discretion of the President or Advisory Council, due to inclement weather or other appropriate reasons. The President will make every effort to notify all members and Advisors two (2) hours prior to the scheduled meeting.


Section 2. Special Meetings – A Special Meeting shall be convened at the pleasure of the President orAdvisory Council Chairman, but no business shall be transacted at any Special Meeting except that named in the call.


Section 3. If a stated meeting falls on a legal holiday, the meeting will be held the following week or cancelled at the discretion of the Chapter.



Web Page


Section 1. will be the Official web page only of Majadahonda Filipino Community all activities and preconcerted meetings shall be announced at the said website.


Majadahonda Filipino Community By-Laws Page 2



Section 1. All Filipinos living in Majadahonda, Madrid Spain shall be considered as its members, Members of Majadahonda Filipino Community should follow the BY-LAWS and must always remain in goodstanding in accordance with the organizations mission and vision statement.



Term of Office and Election of Officers


Section 1. The President, Vice President, Councilors and Treasurer of the Org. will be elected every twelve (12) months at the first meeting in June and on until May the following year.



Section 1a. Eligibility for nomination to elective offices shall be limited to those members that are in attendance to the election proper.


Section 1b. In the event that membership volume does not warrant an election it shall be re scheduled at another given time which will be voted upon by the Councilors and Advisory Council


Section 1c. The Advisory Council shall act as the election committee


Section 2. Installation of elected and appointed officers shall take place within forty-five (45) days of election or appointment at a time and place convenient to the Org.



Fees and Dues


Section 1. The annual dues of M.F.C. will be 10 euros for the head of the family   payable on or before the first day of June each year.


Section 2. 1-5 euro(s) depending on members, will be collected every fourth sunday of the month for future M.F.C.funded projects, events and activities.





Majadahonda Filipino Community By-Laws Page 3


Financial Obligations


Section 1. No member, or any other person shall purchase articles for or contract obligations, of this Organization, without first securing the permission of the President and the Counilors.


Section 2. Monies and fees due to Majadahonda Filipino Community shall be paid immediately.





Section 1. The President shall, establish the following committees:


Section 1a. Sick Committee

Section 1b. Entertainment Committee

Section 1c. Auditing Committee

Section 1d. Finance Committee

Section 1e. Membership Committee


Section 2. The President shall establish the following Special Committee('s):


Section 2a. Clean-Up Committee




Duties of Officers


Section 1. President


Section 1a. The President shall be the presiding officer at all stated meetings and special meetings. He shall conduct the affairs of the Org.

inclusive, of M.F.C. Rules & Regulations. He shall also be the lead delegate, representing the Organization, at all important meetings and events.





Majadahonda Filipino Community By-Laws Page 4

Section 2. Vice President


Section 2a. The Vice President shall be the chairman of the Fundraising Committee. He will also be prepared,

at all times, to step in as acting President in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall also act as a delegate representing the Organization, at all important meetings and events.



Section 3. Councilors


Section 3a. The Councilors shall act as advisors to the President and Vice president the Councilors shall also act as a delegates representing the Organization, at all meetings and events.


Section 3a. The Councilors shall handle the committees that will be tasked to them by the President.


Section 4. Treasurer


Section 4a. The Treasurer will collect all fees and dues, and keep an accurate account of all his receipts and disbursements, which shall show separately the funds belonging to the organization and the disbursements therefrom, and the moneys collected for and belonging to M.F.C. and the disbursements therefrom.


Section 4b. he will make, to the President and other officers, monthly reports of all funds in his possession and at the last meeting of the year render a report of his doings during the preceding year. At the expiration of his term of office he will deliver all money and other property of the Org. in his possession to his successor, or to such other person of persons as the Advisory Council may direct.





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Majadahonda Filipino Community By-Laws Page 5

Section 5. Secretary


Section 5a. The Secretary will record all the transactions of M.F.C. to be written; keep the records for inspection and make a monthly report to the President, see that the property of the Org. is at all times cared for and keep an accurate inventory thereof; make the Term Reports, the Annual Reports, and send there with the proper remittances secured from the Treasurer. He shall make such annual reports or other reports as the President may require, and at the expiration of his term of office deliver all books, papers, and other properties to his successor or such other person and such times as the President may direct.




Adopted Operational Procedures (AOP)


Section 1. AOP’s may be written and utilized to direct the conduct of committees,  activities, and functions not included in these By-Laws.






Section 1. These by-laws will go into effect immediately upon ratification by the M.F.C. President, officers  and Advisory Council, and the approval by the proper Philippine government agency in Madrid, Spain.


Section 2. Copies of these by-laws will be distributed to all members and Advisors of Majadahonda Filipino Community


Section 3. These regulations may be amended at a regular meeting by two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present. A thirty (30) day notice of this meeting must be given in open and  posted by mail, E-mail and through our website.


Section 4. These by-laws were ratified by the Members of MAJADAHONDA FILIPINO COMMUNITY on June 1,2009. Accepted by the members of the Advisory Council on June 1, 2009 These By-Laws are effective as of June 1,2009.





Majadahonda Filipino Community By-Laws Page 6
Category: Articles and News | Added by: janus (2009-08-04) W
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